Master in Business Administration (MBA) – 100% in English
Master in Business Administration (MBA) - 100% in English
Management training with an international focus
Be at the Top of Your Game with the Online MBA* of UNIR
Choose From the Widest Range of Specialisms Available and Delve into the Management and Direction of Companies
Your talent will shape the future of companies. Get ready for new challenges. Boost your leadership capacity with the MBA and achieve your goals. With 9 specialisms to choose from and a real digital transformation project taught by the world-leading managers.
Acquire a cross-sectional vision of all the company's functional areas, empower your leadership skills and master technological management tools. This will allow you to gain confidence in decision-making and take on positions of responsibility with guarantees.
A Master’s Degree in Business Management to achieve your goals
95% of UNIR’s MBA students are in employment. You will also be able to balance your studies with other commitments thanks to our 100% online methodology.
Develop an innovative spirit in the business world.
Enhance your leadership capabilities and achieve your professional goals.
Acquire the essential skills to lead the way in the transformation of your company.
Master AI resources to innovate and enhance business strategies.
If you have extensive professional experience or a management profile, get in touch with a personal advisor about the possibility of accessing the Executive MBA.
Cumplimos con los estándares de enseñanza y aprendizaje fijados por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, desde un enfoque inclusivo e innovador. Una excelencia académica que es posible gracias a la suma de tu esfuerzo, la experiencia profesional de nuestros docentes y el compromiso de los asesores personales. Consigue un perfil internacional único.
Máxima acreditación de FIMPES a UNIR
Única institución en línea con la máxima acreditación de FIMPES durante 7 años por su excelencia académica.
Why Study the Online MBA at UNIR?
In the Master’s Degree in Business Management and Administration, one of the top MBA programs online, you will be given training on strategic and innovation management, comprehensive marketing, finance, or logistics. In high-performance teams, you will gain in-depth, business-driven knowledge.
Take full advantage of the collaboration agreement with Harvard Business Publishing Education (HBP) to acquire managerial skills and boost your resume.
Target a specific sector and detect areas of improvement of any particular business by choosing one of the 9 specialisms.
Learn through real business cases and take on the role of a manager to make impactful decisions.
Study under the supervision of a faculty of excellence, with which you will always have access to up-to-date training. 100% of lecturers are business professionals and managers of large companies.
Network at expert workshops, CEO events, meetings with personalities, and classes with students worldwide.
Foster your entrepreneurial spirit with a Digital Transformation Project to create new business models applicable to any sector with emerging technologies.
Delve into the 9 Specialisms of the Master in Business Management And Administration
Further enhance your Master's Degree in Business Management and Administration with a double degree and expand your job opportunities.
Delve into the effective management of stakeholders, risks, resources and times with the methodology of the Project Manager Institute®, the most important association of project managers globally.
Learn how to manage supply chains and business logistics efficiently. Explore their design, circularity strategies, efficiency improvement methodologies, and performance tracking tools.
Meet the growing demand in companies for professionals skilled in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), business sustainability, and the value contribution of ESG factors.
Become a business administrator and earn a Diploma in 'Leading People' from the Harvard ManageMentor program
The online MBA gives you access to the Diploma in ‘Leading People’, where you will acquire the skills to motivate teams, maintain positive relationships in the workplace, and guide your team towards achieving results. You will learn how to create an environment where everyone can perform to the full potential. Harvard Business Publishing Education (HBP) is a collaborator of UNIR, meaning that you can fully benefit from the Harvard ManageMentor® program.
Business and academic recognitions
The most prestigious associations in business endorse us
UNIR is the only spanish university member of the four most prestigious associations in the academic world in the business area.
Certified by ANECA, according to the AUDIT model
The Faculty of Business and Communication has the seal of quality awarded by the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation, the body in charge of guaranteeing the quality of the degrees taught in the Spanish university system in line with the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
UNIR, the world’s first online university in Spanish, according to Times Higher Education
The prestigious magazine THE, which publishes one of the three most influential rankings in the field of international higher education, recognizes UNIR in 2024 as the first Spanish-speaking online university in the world.
Leaders in educational innovation, according to Forbes
Forbes places us among the three best universities in Spain and as the first online. In addition, it highlights UNIR as a global benchmark in online training for its methodology and the interactive experience it offers its students, as well as its recognition in the most relevant international rankings.
Un prestigioso claustro de profesores expertos
Nuestros profesores son expertos en su sector. Cada uno tiene una amplia experiencia en el campo en el que se han desarrollado y muchos de ellos se encuentran en activo. De esta forma, aprenderás contenidos actualizados de la mano de docentes que sabrán enseñarte cómo aplicar estos conocimientos en la práctica laboral.
Los documentos oficiales emitidos por esta universidad llevarán la denominación de Master in Business Administration (MBA) - 100% in English conforme al artículo 3.1 del Real Decreto 1002/2010, al artículo 16.3 del Real Decreto 822/2021, así como a la denominación dispuesta en el Registro de Universidades, Centros y Títulos de España.
To be accepted into the university master’s program in Business Administration, you must hold a university degree. This requirement follows the admissions criteria established in Article 16 of RD 1393/2007, according to which applicants must:
Hold an official Spanishuniversity degree or a degree from another higher education institution in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) that grants access to a master’s.
Hold a qualification obtained outside the EHEA in accordance with foreign educational systems without the need for official recognition of their degrees, having previously confirmed with the University that this qualification accredits a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degree and that it would serve as a means of access to postgraduate study in the country in which it was awarded. Admission through this channel in no way implies either official recognition of the candidate’s prior qualification or any other recognition than permission to enrol in online master’s study.
To study this master's in English, students must demonstrate and certify that they have at least a B2 English level.
Perfil recomendado
Expand your knowledge and work experience thanks to UNIR's MBA English. To access our specialized training program you must meet certain requirements. This degree is for you if:
You are looking for a 360-degree knowledge of the areas of a company.
You want to improve your business vision and be updated by working professionals.
You need to manage high-performance teams in multidisciplinary and multicultural environments.
You want to reach positions of greater responsibility within a company or even create your own.
You need to improve your level of English to broaden your range of professional possibilities.
You want to lead.
Cómo matricularse
Inscribirte en UNIR México es muy sencillo. Sólo tienes que seguir estos pasos:
Recibirás la llamada de un asesor personal, que te guiará durante todo el proceso de admisión. Él te ayudará a verificar que cumples con los requisitos exigidos y te ayudará a elaborar tu plan de estudios personalizado: reconocimiento, número de créditos, tiempo que le puedes dedicar, etc.
Tendrás que completar la inscripción de matrícula, seleccionando la forma de pago más adecuada a tus necesidades.
Deberás enviar la documentación requerida, debidamente legalizada, para formalizar la inscripción.
Una vez que hayamos verificado tu documentación, nos pondremos en contacto contigo para programar una entrevista personal de admisión. Espera la confirmación.
Una vez confirmado, recibirás tu clave de acceso única para el Campus Virtual. Te asignaremos un tutor personal, quien te acompañará y aclarará cualquier inquietud que tengas antes y durante tu etapa de estudios en UNIR.
Una vez que tengas tu acceso de estudiante, podrás organizar tu tiempo y carga académica de la mejor manera para iniciar el programa de estudios según el calendario escolar.
Becas y ayudas
En UNIR México te ofrecemos un programa de becas y ayudas muy completo, que te permita estudiar y graduarte con nosotros.
Contamos con Becas de Excelencia, cuyo objetivo es apoyar a posibles alumnos altamente motivados que cuenten con resultados académicos probados. También tomamos en consideración la situación económica de todos los candidatos que se acercan a solicitar nuestras Becas.
También ofrecemos ayudas por diversidad funcional, a padres/madres de familia numerosa, y ayudas por desempleo. Para más información, visita nuestra sección de Becas y Ayudas, o contacta con nosotros.
Reconocimiento oficial
Todas las licenciaturas y maestrías mexicanas impartidas por UNIR México, tienen el Reconocimiento de Validez Oficial de Estudios (RVOE) de la SEP.
Unlike traditional methodologies from other universities, in the Faculty of Business and Communication of UNIR, we employ a methodology that guarantees an excellent learning experience adapted to the challenges of a changing world in constant evolution.
Experiential learning
Daily online live classes: they are programmed in advance, but if you can’t attend or have doubts, you can access the recordings of these as many times as you need. You will have 21 high-impact online sessions per subject lasting 45 minutes in which you can interact live with the teacher.
Live virtual laboratories and workshops: specialized workshops are offered to delve into the latest professional trends and the most innovative tools on the market.
Practical activities: inspired by the simulation of real learning environments that prepare you for business reality: o Case method: a learning methodology based on a learning-by-doing system, used by prestigious universities such as Harvard and Stanford, which trains you to make strategic decisions in companies by resolving real cases o Forums: debate and reflection sessions in which high-impact content is used (short cases, readings, and podcasts, among others).
Virtual Campus: our online platform is designed to optimize your learning, where you will find everything you need to study at UNIR: classes, professors, classmates, schedules, forums and much more. • Learning resources: you will have access to different learning resources to complete your training, such as a digital library, complementary reading, summaries with key ideas, self-assessment tests, etc.
Competency-based learning
This is the differential element of our university. We call it UNIR’s Footprint, and it refers to exclusive modules. They have been created specifically to improve the necessary skills that managers in any sector will need to master teams and situations of all kinds: leadership skills, effective internal and external communication, individual and group planning, etc.
Follow-up and networking
UNIR Mentor: will be in contact with you from day one by phone and email to support you with any questions you may have.
Teachers: will follow your progress and help you whenever you need it through group coaching, individual feedback and in the joint exam preparation session.
Networking: you will establish relationships with people from all over the world with common interests in discussion spaces, expert panels and chats that will allow you to make a professional list of contacts.
Personalized learning
To ensure that you obtain the right learning experience, in this MBA in English at UNIR, we create homogeneous groups in terms of professional experience, although heterogeneous in terms of the degree of origin. We are the only online university that creates high-performance teams.
For more information about our methodology, check the section How to study at UNIR.
Sistema de evaluación
In order to know if you have fulfilled your general and specific objectives defined in the program, learning evaluation will be carried out taking into account the grade obtained in the following assessments:
Continuous evaluation through assessment tests, student participation in forums, debates and other collaborative media, and the resolution of practical cases.
Online and in-person exams at the end of each term. You can choose in each subject and choose if you want to take them from your computer or face-to-face at the official UNIR exam centers.
Master’s Dissertation.
Campo laboral
The MBA online in English at UNIR will allow you to assume positions of great responsibility in which you will add value by applying all your skills and strategic vision. You will understand digital trends, have the necessary knowledge to solve problems in demanding environments, and be able to successfully lead high-performance work teams.
Become the digital leader who can adapt to today's complex and constantly changing environment. You will be able to obtain positions of:
Executive Management, by providing a transversal vision of the business administration and ensuring the fulfillment of the company's objectives.
Digital Transformation Management by ensuring the digitization of the company or entity.
Operations Management, by optimally executing the company's processes.
Financial Management, by making decisions on key aspects of the institution.
Marketing Management, by establishing objectives, assessing and monitoring results and identifying new markets.
Human Resources Management, by carrying out tasks like recruiting talent and managing teams.
Manager, by leading projects within the company and managing the different teams involved.
Business consultant, by advising all parties involved and ensuring the correct long-term operation.
You can also be an entrepreneur, by leading, managing projects and research with your own vision and purpose, assuming the risks of the entrepreneurial function.
Perfil de egreso
At the end of the program you will have practical and solid knowledge on an advanced level in different fields.
Global vision of the elements of a company: organization, accounting, finance, marketing and other aspects necessary and parallel to a successful management.
Decision-making to manage technological change, and use information tools to improve management with innovation as a competitive weapon.
Management and Business Administration.
Un prestigioso claustro de profesores expertos
Nuestros profesores son expertos en su sector. Cada uno tiene una amplia experiencia en el campo en el que se han desarrollado y muchos de ellos se encuentran en activo. De esta forma, aprenderás contenidos actualizados de la mano de docentes que sabrán enseñarte cómo aplicar estos conocimientos en la práctica laboral.
Nuestros profesores
Trinidad Cortés Puyá
Profesora Doctorado por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid…
Isabel Ng
Profesora Profesora Universitaria de MBA en prestigiosas universidades…
Shih-Fu Liu
Profesor PhD in Industrial Design. Bachelor degree in…
Garen Markarian
Profesor 15 years of experience in management education…
José López Rojas
Profesor JRO DERIVATES. Director Ejecutivo y Socio Fundador…
Radosław Zajc
Profesor MBA from the Business School at Warsaw…
Antonio Múñoz Sánchez
Profesor Socio Fundador en A2GesPeople. Ingeniero superior industrial…
Yolanda Rodríguez Luengo
Profesora UNIR. Directora de Área de Empresa de…
Marc Bara Iniesta
Profesor Consultor y docente en Project Management. Asesora…
Gerardo Mochales
Profesor Former Director of Business Development at Coca-Cola…
Jessica Fernández Vázquez
Coordinadora académica Doctora Comunicación y Licenciada Publicidad y RRPP;…